Village of Wilson, Arkansas
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Wilson is a linchpin between the past and the future of Southern life nestled in the heart of the Arkansas delta along the Blues Highway.

We remain a major agricultural hub and have put ourselves to the task of fostering a livable 21st century community that thrives on hospitality, exquisite farm-to-table dining, design-centered place making and progressive education.

We stand on respect for the history and joyful innovation of the future.

Wish you were here.

Plan Your Trip

Recover the lost art of the day trip. After shopping and fine dining around the Square, you can explore local indigenous culture and history at the Hampson Museum, enjoy a wine tasting at The Grange, savor a rooftop sunset during happy hour and so much more.

Plan Your Trip

Stay Awhile

Looking for more than a day trip? Wilson invites visitors to stay awhile and explore all our region has to offer. Whether you are looking to spend a weekend, rent a home, or bring your business to Wilson, we’ve got you covered.

Book Your Stay


With a love for learning, regional culture, and community deep inside its roots, Wilson has become a bustling hub for folks near and far looking to experience something out of the ordinary.

Discover Wilson

Upcoming Events

April 05, 2025 / 11- 5 PM

Crawfish Festival

Mark your calendars for the Tenth Annual Crawfish Festival! Named one of the 12 Best Fesitvals in the USA! Feast on some of the best crawfish in The Delta.

Event Details